Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Corporate Responsibility

Would you like to start your company on the track to be environmentally responsible? Do you have ways to recycle in your workplace?

Don't know where to start? This site is an excellent resource!

These guys have a program for recycling options for corporations: MyGreenElectronics as well as other ways to help your company lessen its impact.

New ways to travel coming soon..

Fly in style. Eco-friendly and probably pretty fun! Check out this new product on the horizon!
Giant modern air ships.

Solar and diesel powered airship, low-flying for a fantastic view! This is the overseas flight I've been waiting for!

Of course...

I've been waiting to take that commercial ride into SPACE? Virgin Galactic is gearing up to take us there.

But where do you park a spaceship you ask? At the first Earth Commercial Space Port located in New Mexico! Under construction now....

Want try a little closer to the ground? Nissan has come out with a zero emissions electric car!

Another great eco-friendly vehicle has been suggested by Yamaha. An electric vehicle perfect for commuting....Unless it is snowing.

Or love playing on the lake? Try one of these new WaterCars.

This is going to be a lot of fun!!

Gym powered by excercise

This is such a great idea! Why not use all that energy put into exercising to run the place?

I want to explore more ways this kind of energy can be harnessed. Wouldn't people watch less TV if they had to power it with exercise? Would they? Or would they just be in better shape while they do it?

Also: get your clothes clean while riding your bike! I think this is a great option for developing nations. I want one of my own. Want clean clothes? Earn them, like they did for the hundreds of years before last, only more fun to do....

Now these guys have it all worked out! Use all of your exercise energy to add to the grid! I am going to check into carrying these models. Who wouldn't want one?

Top 10 Polluters

Ever wanted to know who the worst polluters in our nation are?

How about in China?

"China's top ten electric companies, which supplied almost 60 percent of China's total electricity last year, burned 20 percent of China's coal and emitted the equivalent of 1.44 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide," says

How long have we been making electricity with coal? Oh really? Not more than a couple hundred years? Out of thousands.....?? Amazing, the destruction, caused by so small a section of history.
And they have known how dangerous it was since.....when?

"1891 Congress passed the first federal law to improve safety in mines. The law required ventilation in mines and made it illegal for companies to hire children under 12 years old to work in mines."-EIA

Coal miners- 1910

Check out this article in a newspaper from 1950. Unbelievable!

So years later they said forget mines! We'll just blow up the whole mountain instead!! Problem,
er, solved? Coal. I mean really.

About this blog

For a future that brings unity to
and proportions
to our lives.

A future that measures
the value of
each process by its

ecological footprint and
energy efficiency rating.

A future borne of responsibility.

A future that WE can build.

About Me

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I am working on a dream to build sustainable communities in my home town area and elsewhere. I have designed and drawn up several of these. I will follow these adventures in research through the blog and hopefully meet up with like-minded individuals along the way.

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